Wednesday, February 8

We started the day with chapel.  Seventh grade shared a message on God’s love being the biggest thing!  Mr. Huff lead us in worship.  Can your child remember any of our worship songs from today?  We had visitors from the church come to see how our school works.

We had a mini class meeting to focus on our class family and remembering to use “thinking thoughts.”  We don’t have to say out loud every  little thing that pops into our minds.  Sometimes, it is best to just keep that to ourselves.

We started our biography on Rosa Parks.

We completed our low temperature graph in math.

We are up to 128 A.R tests.

We had computer class.

We practiced for Sunday with fourth grade in the church.  The song the choir is sharing brought me to tears.  They sang so beautifully.  Mrs. Bante noted that we were attentive and singing so well.  Details for Sunday:  Meet in the chapel at 8:40 a.m.  Dress code or better dress.

There is no homework tonight for E-3.  Frog projects are due ONE WEEK FROM TODAY!!!