Tuesday, February 28

Today, we had Music and P.E.  Both classes went well.

We finished up our month long study of Rosa Parks with Who Was Rosa Parks?  We took an A.R. on the book.

We worked on 100 subtraction facts for fact practice plus Get More Math.  Our lesson today focused on how to write checks.  The kids LOVED this.  They have 100 facts tonight for homework as well as writing three checks for practice.

We got our World Mission Passports for prayer and could put our stickers in our book.

The weather was nice enough to go out for recess after lunch.

Tomorrow is the last day to return M&M tubes for Hearts for Jesus.

We had a Life Cycle of a Frog project presented today.

Parent teacher conference request slips came home today in green folders.



February 27, 2023

We celebrated a birthday and introduced a new student of the week.

We shared about our week off with winter break and ice days in small groups.  The Huddle each shared the highlight of their break with the class as well as prayer requests.

We practiced how to write out our address.  We focused on what needs capitalization and punctuation in our address.  I met with each student one-on-one to help with the details.  Please make sure to practice addresses and phone numbers at home this week.

The Huddle worked on ordinal number in math and subtraction facts.

We had Art class.

We shared three life cycle of a frog projects.

We learned a new class game, “I am going on a trip and taking…”  Ask your child what the rule was that we followed today for packing.  🙂

Homework tonight is Facts 77B and practicing address and phone number.


Huff’s Huddle Newsletter for February 27 – March 3

Huddle Families,

Here is this week’s newsletter.

I am so eager and excited to be back with the Huddle tomorrow.  I have missed them!

Thanks so very much for all of the prayers, offers of help, and support while our power was out this past week.  I am SO thankful.

It was such a treat to see many of you last night at the Eighth Grade Dinner Dance Fundraiser.  Thanks so much for supporting the kids for their NYC trip!  I have such amazing memories from going to New York and St. Louis with my sons and their classmates.

For spelling this week, we will do address and phone number.  Please help your child practice this week.  I will give a sample of what they will write out for me with correct spelling on Friday.

Catha Huff

38900 Harper Avenue​​​​

Clinton Township, MI  48036​​​​

(586) 850-7676​​​​

Now that the Huddle has learned all 66 books of the Bible, we will begin working on the ten commandments from Luther’s small catechism.  The class will continue to have a fill in the blank style test on Fridays.  The test includes the commandment and the meaning.

Looking forward to getting back into the swing of third grade after our extended winter break,


Information for Huff’s Huddle – February 22-24, 2023

Huddle Families,

I pray you had a wonderful winter break and long weekend with your family!!   My oldest son turned 20 on Saturday.  It was so great to be able to share time with him in Grand Rapids.  I am so thankful for all of the sunshine we had the last four days as well.

Tomorrow, we begin our Lenten journey with Ash Wednesday.  We will attend the 10 a.m. service.  Students will receive the imposition of ashes during the service.

The Huddle Life Cycle of a Frog projects have been amazing!  We have more to share this week!  The creativity of the projects has been remarkable.  The students love sharing with the class all of their hard work.

For Week 4 of our A.R. Reading challenge, the Huddle took 274 A.R. tests!  We will find out on Friday where we stand in the national ranking for the week.  Thanks for encouraging your child to read with me!

We will not have spelling and memory tests this week with our three-day week.  I will send home an index card with your child tomorrow that needs to be returned by Friday.  Please have your child return the card with their address and phone number to work on for the next spelling test on March 3.

Mr. Brown came and shared with the Huddle last week about God making each of us masterpieces.  We are working hard in the Huddle to speak to one another in ways that follow THINK from Friendzy.  Is it True? Helpful? Important? Necessary? and Kind?  If we are masterpieces made by God, we would not speak unkindly about any work of art that God has created.

Looking forward to our Lenten journey together,
Mrs. Huff

(P.S. As this is a short week, there is no standard attached newsletter.)

Thursday, February 16

Today, we worked hard on our spelling words and practiced them in cursive.  We also worked on spelling on kidsa-z.

We took A.R.s on stories about the Iditarod, snow,  and frogs.

We had Michigan History and class went well.

Despite the cold, we made it outside for recess.

Five students shared their life cycle of a frog reports.  I am so proud of all of the hard work.

We studied for our memory test on all 66 books of the Bible.

Homework tonight is memory, spelling, and fluency on St. Valentine.


Wednesday, February 15

WOW!  Do our frog projects look AMAZING!  Six students shared their projects today.  At the end of the blog post, you will see what was shared today!

The students demonstrated knowledge of the life cycle of a frog as soon as they arrived at school by completing a basic cycle for their science notebooks.  I love seeing all that they learned through their at-home project.

Eighth grade lead us in chapel.  We were reminded the our words matter.  The chapel supported our Friendzy focus.  We are trying with God’s help to not let any unwholesome talk come out of our mouths.

Due to a schedule conflict later in the week, we had PE this morning and we got a good report.

In computer class, we worked on a program called Kodable.  The goal of this is basic coding skills.

The Huddle has returned 27 tubes of M&Ms for Money for Mission for Hearts for Jesus!  Way to go, Huddle!

We worked on three column addition in Math.

I want to explain the 5 second rule.   I mentioned this in the newsletter on Sunday. This is saying something to a classmate that can be fixed in 5 seconds.  This is a fine thing to say out loud and share.  For example, you have jelly on your chin at lunch…this can be fixed in five seconds.  You need to grab a Kleenex.  That can be done and fixed in five seconds if we have something on our nose.  The opposite is making comments about another that cannot be fixed at all or take longer than 5 seconds to fix.  Like, Mrs. Huff you are SO short!  I can’t change that and you are allowed to think that but it does not help me to have you share that with me.  I am aware of my height.  🙂 There are times when what we think is unhelpful to be said to another even if there is truth in it because it can be painful to hear.  The Huddle is working hard to become better at what needs to remain a thinking thought and what is necessary to share.



Valentine’s Day

Thanks for all of the Valentine cards, treats, and surprises.  The Huddle loved the sundae bar, and used the BEST manners.

We had Valentine reading and a word find today.

We learned about our real hearts and took two A.R.s today.

We went to Music and P.E.

We decorated our Valentine bags, passed out our Valentines, and enjoyed the sundae bar.

Happy Valentine’s Day!  Life cycle of a frog projects are due tomorrow!

Monday, February 13

GREAT NEWS!!!  The Huddle won the A.R. contest in the school again with 216 A.R. tests taken this past week.

Today was harder for us.  Many of us were naturally sleepy from watching part of the BIG game last night.  Being tired makes everything else feel off.   Tomorrow, we will be more rested and ready to celebrate Valentine’s Day!

We shared our weekend writing and prayer requests.  We read in Rosa Parks and worked on three column addition in math.

We worked on our math facts and read for A.R.

We celebrated a birthday.  Photo is coming tomorrow.

Tuesday is a free dress down for Valentine’s Day.  Don’t forget to bring your valentines to share with your classmates.


Huddle Families,

Here’s the newsletter link for this week!

I want to begin by thanking you for all of your efforts to have your child to the chapel this morning by 8:40. The third and fourth grade choir sounded amazing.  I truly loved the song they shared.  Thanks so much to Mrs. Bante for bringing out the best in the children for the glory of our great God.  It was very special to see the scouts recognized as well at the beginning of church.

​There is much to celebrate in the Huddle these days!  We have been making amazing choices in our special classes and have been recognized for our leadership among the third and fourth graders.  We continue to rock out the A.R. reading challenge and celebrate being 7th out of all the LCMS third grades in the nation!  There are 505 LCMS elementary schools in the USA in the LCMS so that is amazing!!  The Huddle is leading the school in the Kids Heart Challenge as well as our Hearts for Jesus M&M tube collection.  We have SO much to praise God for and give thanks for what is happening in our midst.

In Friendzy, we are focusing on using our words wisely.  We are practicing the five second rule of commenting to others.  Ask your child what this means. (I will post more on the blog this week to fill you in.) The class will be wrapping up a focus on the story of Chrissa Stands Strong this week…encouraging us to build friendships and set boundaries in our relationships in healthy ways.

As the Huddle navigates maturing in third grade, please continue to pray for us and to point us back to Jesus.  May we learn that throughout the highs and lows of our days, our great God is faithful in it all.  I have been reading the Bible Recap for my devotional time this year. (Mr. Brown mentioned it this past week in the Tweet.)  One of my favorite parts of reading God’s Word every day in this way is that I see time and time again that “God is where the JOY is!”  It is so easy to allow our circumstances to control our days, but I am being reminded in His Word that my JOY comes from HIM alone.  I pray each day that I model that well to your children.  Thanks for praying for us in these winter days that even on the dark and gray days, we cling to the Light of Jesus.

Important dates for the week:

Tuesday, the 14th–Bring Valentines to share with classmates and Valentines Day Sundae Party…thanks for sending in your donations
Wednesday, the 15th–Life Cycle of a Frog Project is due
Winter Break–February 18-21, classes resume on the February 22

The reading fluency assignment this week is only one sided and focuses on St Valentine.  I won’t assign Math homework early in the week as the Huddle finishes up our Valentines and frog projects.  After winter break with only three days of class, we will be focusing on writing out our address and phone number, which will take the place of Spelling for February 24.  Each student will bring home a blank index card this week that needs to be returned by Friday with their address written out on it and a landline or parent cell phone to memorize and work on for the 24th.

Holding on to Jesus with each of you,
Mrs. Huff

Thursday, February 9

We started the day working on sorting fact and opinion statements about Rosa Parks.

In math, we focused on comparing fractions from least to greatest: 1/6, 1/3, 1/2, and 2/3.  The Huddle has a x2 fact practice page as well as homework for lesson 74 this evening.

Mrs. L has been helping us practice individually the two words that make up each of our contraction spelling words.

Tomorrow, we finish up memorizing all of the New Testament books.  Next week, we have one final review of all 66 books!!

Mrs. Bante gave us a great report from choir!!!  Mr. Flaherty said P.E. went well, too!

Mr. Brown is allowing the Huddle to wear comfy/cozy clothes tomorrow for taking the most A.R. tests last week as well as all of our amazing growth and maturity in the past two weeks.

Due to the rain, the Huddle was inside for recess.  They love to play Legos together.  Thanks so an amazing donation from a Huddle member…our Lego bin grew this week and we are thrilled.  I love how creative they are with their designs and projects.

We worked on our spelling on kidsa-z.  We worked on our math facts on Get More Math.  We are up to 148 A.R. tests this week!

We reviewed for spelling and memory by playing all class Sparkle together!